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Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Family First Text and Workbook...

...Before my husband arrived from the US he asked me to buy Dr. Phil's Family First Text & Workbook. We knew very well that our newly blended family will have some adjustments once we tie the knot. I started reading the book and learned very good techniques on how to raise your children and how adjustments are done and other ideas that would help your family become united not necessarily ideal or perfect. The book helps you to go through changes in you, changes in your life as a couple and changes in the life of your children. Dr. Phil also included examples and steps on how to go about certain strategies in disciplining the child. The only thing we noticed in the book is that some of the points wouldn't apply in the Philippine setting. However, most of his ideas would work if applied properly. It is very healthy for couples especially those who are blended to discuss their roles as new parents in the family, (or should i say renewed?) Especially when disciplining the child by a new parent or a new step-parent, the couple may as well decide on who should give the instructions or guidelines in the household and who would reinforce it. Sometimes at first kids don't welcome the idea that there would be a new disciplinarian in the family but slowly making them realize that the new person is very much into molding them as good persons as they grow would lessen the uprise of defense mechanisms or rebellion. As always and even in relationships in the family everything should start small. The Family First book is a good read and it is highly recommended that couples read the book and do a discussion to cap the night.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Finally...a Rain Storm...

No, I'm not talking about some upcoming's Barry Eisler's third from his series of John Rain books. I've read the first two (Rain Fall and Hard Rain) already and was lucky enough to win the contest he had on his site for the release of Requiem of an Assassin. I got the unedited signed copy of that title. When I received the package i was wondering who would send me something from New York. I knew my brother was in New York but he wouldn't use a different name and a different address, much less send me something for a surprise...that is so unlikely. Anyway, i never thought i'd win it cuz i was late participating in the contest, although Barry sent me a message that i might get it. I got introduced to Barry's books through my fiance - Bry who is now my hubby. He likes martial arts a lot and everything about self-defense, fitness, muscle building and exercise so we found Barry's book info in Matt Furey's site. So Bry at that time bought the first two books and flew in the Philippines with it. The stories are awesome. It's got good twists and are very rich in information both in the culture of Japan and the techniques in self defense. You would learn how to do the SDR there. SDR? You gotta read the books to find out....hehehe...Naughty me...Now, i'll be reading the third book and the reason why i said finally, it's cuz it took a while for the book to be shipped from US to the Philippines cuz the book is out of stock here!...had i known, i could have had my hubby buy it for me before he came here in August. Barry as an author has personal touch to his readers through his site and he's also added to MySpace. I've already read the first book when i met Barry on MySpace. He was actually the one requesting to be added to my list. Probably cuz of the review i put in MySpace. It was funny cuz before i approved the add request I had to ask him if he's the real Barry Eisler??? I hit the send button too fast then i clicked the link to his site and i was, Oh no???!!! It's the real Barry Eisler!!!! I apologized and he replied back by's ok to be suspicious, John Rain would be proud of you!!!