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Friday, November 23, 2007

Drum roll please....

Three months with Gold's Gym and few work outs done at home, what do you get, of course a trimmed body and more confidence. Believe me, it's worth the sweat. Although i can't afford to pay a personal trainer, I'm lucky to have my hunny do all the research for my training. Thanks for his knack in motivating me to work out and finding the right exercise. If you want to know my training...go to and look for sexy body work out. You will learn that you don't need to do a thousand crunches to flatten your tummy out (it will actually make it bigger 'cuz of bigger muscles gained.) Really, spot-reduction never works, you have to pay attention to other parts of your body to get it into good proportion. I still have a little over a month to go before me and my hunny's big day, though it's really gonna be super simple...i still want to be the sexy yummy bride on that off to more work out...mwah!

1 comment:

Robert Speck said...

Ok. I have to admit that you have a nice body! good job. Keep it up...

Robert at The Diamond Buying Guide